Monday, September 26, 2005


Folks may notice that there have been some changes to Nick101. The ‘about me’ bit on the top right has gone and certain sections of Employment and Deco have been withdrawn.

Basically I have removed almost all third party personally identifiable information such that if you don’t know who I am before reading you couldn’t work it out from the contents of this blog, which actually is almost the exact opposite of what I originally intended my blog to be.

Anyhow, there is a single reason for this change in approach - my job, and my paranoia about it. In the professional field that I am in and particularly my present specific discipline of enforcement, littered with legal action like a cheap retail park with McDonalds bags, it may be unwise to disclose anything at all on the off chance it is found by someone with an interest in it. Not to mention what my undisclosed, but we all know who it is, employer may think of it.

However my job is part of who I am and what I do and I cannot exclude it entirely. It can also lead to some certainly blogworthy posts...

So I have three options. One, make no reference to my job at all. Two, exclude all reference to anything specific and render it as unidentifiable as possible. Three, stop blogging. I have picked option two, hence the changes thus far. Other than that I think I am just going to wait and see how stuff pans out.

In conclusion this post is one which has very much arisen out of blogging in the first instance and situations thereof as opposed to general life stuff which is often eluded to by Bng in his comments and greater experience of blogging. I sometimes feel that a Nick102 is required in order to provide explanation and justification for posts in Nick101 especially as I don’t want Nick101 to turn solely into a blog entirely about blogging.


Anonymous said...

See I kinda think maybe you should leave references to your job and in particular your current boss in the blog, its part of what makes you who you are and your reason for blogging as a bit of a vent for your frustrations. And anyway, if your guvna' did see it (which is highly unlikely), might be a blessing in disguise and be a bit of a wake up call and reality check for her. And maybe you should check on the legal ramifications for anything published on this blog with re to Enforcement

Nick said...

Yes, have been thinking of taking legal advice but thought it might sound a bit poncy to include it.

Anonymous said...

I find rather then saying "I can write this about person A because they won't mind, or situation B because I think this is a worthy view" it is better to ask "If I read this about me, would I be annoyed/upset?"

Before you speak in public, think of the 3 doorkeepers;
The 1st asks: "Is it truth?"
The 2nd asks: "Is it needed?"
The 3rd asks: "Is it kind?"
