Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I have just got back from having a nice quiet drink with Andy, Caroline and Laura which was certainly very pleasant and the kind of thing I would like to do much more often. However, that I think is the sacrifice you have to make when living in a semi-rural area when everyone lives in different places. Means that only really big events gets people together and folks arrange the usual roll out of sleeping on whatever floor wherever which in itself can also present problems as most folks places are pretty small due to horrendous property prices. It was good guys, we have to sort out more stuff like that.

Meanwhile, I have continued to ponder the question of the profile and risk of my blog. I remain sensitive about certain folks finding out about it as detailed in Risk and am still building up the courage to get legal advice on it. Mainly as I don’t think I want to hear the answer.

As a solution, I thought at lunch time that in a similar way that Eliot, in one of my favourite TV programs, Scrubs gets referred to as blond-haired doctor that I could adopt a similar approach to folks in the blog. In practice I, along with Andy and Mark, am already doing this with hot kiwi girl, cute blond girl and the identical twin (amongst others in progress) whilst not actually knowing their real names which I think is really far too funny, especially as we work with these people and that this practice has been going on for literally months and months now.

However, after really very brief consideration concluded that this was never going to work for my blog as not everyone, and likely no one, would know who or what I was referring to. I also had concerns that other folks feelings may not be the same as mine and didn’t really want to upset slash offend anyone inadvertently with names they might not appreciate, but Groovelicker nevertheless gets a mention for posterity value.

This post also highlights problems I am having in coming up with stuff that will entertain both northern and southern friends that (I hope) read. I am trying to write for at least two totally different friend circles most of whom have never met each other or only have a loose familiarity, although this is something I am presently scheming to remedy. I worry that in trying to pitch the tone of the blog towards all, none are going to be interested.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Ok, my use of the word entertaining was possibly not the most choice. What I want is posts to be of sufficient interest and relevance to folks that they will want to read more but if you don't think its intersting then don't come back.

What I am presently thiking is a mix of all about me and everyone else I know with all kinds of random thoughts and stuff that people might be interested in, in between.

In terms of approach to work stuff, your suggested approach is the one I am running with but I am still concerned it may render me identifiable due to the crazy and unique situations I get into.