Thursday, September 08, 2005


My first post has been up for about an hour and I am already excessively excited about the blog and totally can't focus on anything else or get any work done. I am already dying to tell everyone about it and my friend Mark keeps coming over and catching me fixing about with it.
However I have resolved not to tell anyone about it for the time being for two reasons. One, to make sure my interest in it can withstand over a period of time. Two, so when I do tell folks about it there is actually some content to read. At the moment though I am still nevertheless dying to tell somebody but think I am going to have to try to control myself.


Anonymous said...

Busted! You should know better than to expect privacy with the awesome combination of Dave & Computers against you ;-)

Well done mate. I might finally be able to read a little more about what you are getting up to etc.

Hope you are keeping well!

PS - Your cat&girl link is broken

Nick said...

Damnit, how can i get busted on the first freaking day!

I am still working on the format, content etc. which may change, it's a bit of a learing curve but thanks for the heads up that cat&girl ain't working.

Anonymous said...

Tis cool - i shall keep it quiet until you say so.

Good to hear from you mate :-)

Nick said...

Yeah you got it spot on Bng.

I don't know if I actualy want to monitor the site. I would rather people come and go as they please with my not knowing about it.