Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Random Acts of Reality

I stumbled across this website (follow link before reading the rest of the post) in my continuing struggle and search for some form of 'code of best conduct' with regard to the work implications of my blog. The title is certainly eye catching and the content is also quite intersting. Bascially its a blog about a paramedic and the crazy things he gets up to whilst rescuing people.

Left me considering that were I to name by blog as some sort of extreme version of what I do. 'Regulating use of land and buildings and being mean to folks when it goes a bit wrong' I suppose would be the really boring version that's closest to the truth. Not very interesting, so how about 'making sure stuff doesn't go horribly, horribly wrong.' Still pretty flat. Hmm, my job seems so much less intrersting than this guys. How about 'paperwork, more paperwork, additional paperwork, still more paperwork, the paperwork continues, paperwork again, guess what more paperwork, perhaps this will end in a minute, no more paperwork, paperwork, paperwork, paperwork, oh my god what the hell is the fuss all about.'

I have also, in an amendment to general approach, ceased using single word titles which was working out to be too restrictive I felt in dictating the content of posts. It looks punchy and makes me look clever in coming up with stuff that's very eridite unfortunately I am not as clever as I think I am to keep it up.

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