Wednesday, November 23, 2005


So today I am in a public inquiry. My part in this is getting cross examined by the lawyers who are either going to try to do their best to make me look like the man (my counsel) or like the village idiot (appellant’s counsel).

I have been under cross examination in inquiries before and was pretty nervous about it. This time however I am relatively laid back about it as I know what’s coming and am fairly confident I can deal with it (although do have nagging doubts about being overconfident...).

The worst thing about it is having to speak, in public, to an audience which I dread. However from experience, due to the pressure of being under cross examination, worries like this (and everything else) go completely out of the window because it is such an intense experience as everything is caught up in thinking about and responding to the cross examination. I literally do not have the mental capacity to think, let alone worry, about anything else apart from being cross examined.

This is also my last post until about this time next Wednesday. I was a little surprised that anyone expressed an interest in taking over the blog temporarily but Mark is taking over as of tomorrow until this time next week.

I have attached no mandate or restrictions so what is delivered is entirely in his hands. I guess I will have to see what comes out of it.


K8 said...

Mark. Your complete lack of posts in Nicks absence is very disapointing. What am I meant to do at work eh? eh?

Anonymous said...

I am deeply sorry, have not really had the time until yesterday by which point thought its probably too late to start!!