Friday, November 18, 2005

Europe baby

This time next week I will be in Brussels and then Bruge and then Amsterdam. I am looking forward to this, it should be fun.

Not sure how we (me, Nick and Mike) ended up going for a long weekend in northern Europe when really a good burst of sun would have been nice but it is a break nevertheless which should be good.

This is the first time my blog will have to take a break from me unless I find internet terminals whilst abroad which in fairness shouldn’t be too hard. However I have also thought of giving the blog reigns to somebody else for a week. But I am not too sure if this would be egotistical or destroy the point of doing a personal blog or some sort of Freudian weirdness or just odd in general and actually whether anyone would give enough of a crap to be interested.

Nevertheless if you read this and want a no commitments play with a blog for a short time from Thursday 24th to Tuesday 29th let me know.


Anonymous said...

I vote guest blogs!! Id happily take over the reigns whilst you are away!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you already offered it to me!