I am going to start this post by stating the obvious. It’s now dark in the morning when I wake up. Yesterday morning this struck me particularly strongly, partly because I didn’t get to bed until late the previous night and also because dawn had advanced itself about 20 minutes further into the day from the previous Friday when I last had to rouse myself at an early time.
My alarm woke me up somewhat abruptly and my first (and clearly totally irrational) instinct was ’why is my alarm clock lying to me?’ Of course it wasn’t lying to me, I was merely suffering the consequences of living at approximately 51 degrees north and just west of the Greenwich meridian in late October. Nevertheless, later in the day, I was quite pleased to find out that it wasn’t just me who initially jumped to ‘the alarm clock is lying to me theory’ as opposed to the far more logical spatial one (thanks Kate).
Anyhow del.icio.us prompted me to this blog post which seems to contain some fairly light weight and common sense advice about how to wake yourself up early in the morning. I also spotted this item, as part of the marathon John Lewis session on Saturday, which I hope would deliver similar results. Unlikely that I am going to be smart enough to adopt either of them but you might be a little brighter than me (bad pun intended).
Hey, I suggsted that whole radio followed by bleep bleep thing to you last week - think I should get some credit!!! Like the clock from John Lewis - shame I don't have a spare £79!
I have got one theory, knowing your penchant for going to bed at 2.30 am (i.e. sunday night!) why dont yout try going to bed earlier? Then getting up is so so so much easier!! Either that or dont sleep and just power thru!!
Sorry Kate, you did mention it but I can't add hyperlinks to converstaions!
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