Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Is it just me or…

Are seats on trains about 10% too small to comfortably sit on.
Do big fatties choose to sit next to me on the train because I am not a big fatty.
Do cold, wet shower curtains have special adhesive properties that attract them to skin like magnets to iron.
Is it bizarre that nobody has yet created envelopes that taste nice to lick the adhesive on.


Anonymous said...

To be honest mate I find most forms of public seating too small to comfortably sit on, not because i am fat but because they never have enough leg room for my gangly legs!!

Nick said...

yeah leg room bugs me too. especially when it is (as almost always) busy and you can't stretch out to the side cos one of the fatties is next to you so you end up with knees under your chin.