Thursday, March 09, 2006


Moving day is this Saturday. I have spent the last few weeks gently disassembling my little flat and packing all non-essential items into boxes, some of which are already stored at my parents for the time being. Today was the final pack up and everything I own has been pretty much either deconstructed to its component parts or committed to cardboard boxes (with the exception of my pc, monitor, keyboard and mouse, bed, kettle and a mug with a tea bag in it, oh and some things to make myself clean in the morning).

I pick up keys to my new place tomorrow morning and then have to go sort out meter readings, inspection etc. and check out any other issues that come to light. The previous tenants seemed pretty sanitary and I doubt the place will need much of a serious clean before I move my stuff in but its going to get one anyway. Expunging the former tenant’s existence from the place just seems like a sensible ritual that is necessary before I can take proper possession.

Like I said, moving into the new place on Saturday, then depositing the stuff that I don’t need (as it comes kitted out with white goods etc. which I have already) at my parents on the Sunday and then stripping out and cleaning my old place up followed by handing back keys on the Monday whereafter I will hopefully have some opportunity to sort the new place out before being back in work on Tuesday. At the moment, getting all this done seems like a real uphill challenge, its taken me all day to order my old place and I am still not done yet. I will be glad when it is all over. Actually, getting back to the, at least consistent, mentalism of my new job and working environment (the intended subject of a forthcoming post) should be somewhat of a welcome relief.

Of course the reason for the move is twofold. One, because my old flat was linked to my old job and I couldn’t stay there indefinitely and two, to make my commute a little easier into work as, I can tell you, spending up to and hour and half on the horribly unpredictable A40 and then fighting for on street parking before walking a variable distance to work was starting to do my nut. Although, not so much for the doing it, more for the unsettling uncertainty of how long it was actually going take. So pretty much regardless of reason one, reason two is sufficient grounds to want to move in my opinion. A near door-to-door train ride of thirty minutes seems like a much more civilised prospect despite that other people are apparently going to be getting on this train thing.

I thought I would be a little more (hmm, what’s the word) nostalgic (?) about leaving my old flat but it seems that, as it was with my old job, I am more looking forward to what’s in store in my new place and living somewhere new, rather than reminiscing about the memories from the old place. Maybe that will come later when I have a little more time to actually think about it.

Anyhow, bye bye to Amersham (smell you later), hello to Maidenhead.

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