Wednesday, January 04, 2006


So last year my new years resolution was to drink Guinness. Hardly the most challenging task but I never really have been one for the whole new years resolution thing.

Anyway, I managed it and tried Guinness, although it took until about March, so it was hardly a resounding success but I now drink Guinness occasionally and do quite like it.

In fairness last years resolution wasn’t really much of a resolution or even that much of a challenge (which was the point). I hadn’t planned on having one this year but after giving unnecessary grief to the poor waiter dude in the pub on new years day realised that perhaps one particular new year’s resolution would be in order. Namely to try to be nice to the waitress/waiter types in restaurants as I am building up a fairly good track record of being mean to them. This is generally exclusively in situations involving me being hungry and having a hangover and wanting my food immediately and to a standard and with a level of service well in excess of what I was willing to pay for. And, yes, I do feel a little guilty (once fed to my exacting standards) for being mean to these poor people who do shitty jobs for minimum wage on a Sunday morning, no doubt with a hangover and rumbling stomach comparable to my own at the time.

However, lets get real here. When I have a hangover and am hungry I am likely (but not exclusively) to be at my least reasonable and little inclined to sympathise with the catering staff's position when my mayonnaise is not forthcoming with my bacon cheeseburger, my orange and lemonade not having lemonade in it or my side salad not arriving (regardless of whether I wanted side salad or not).

So, really, a new years resolution along the lines of ‘be nicer to the waitress/waiter type people in restaurants and pubs’ is unlikely to have much chance of success. Therefore this years new years resolution is to ‘think about being nice to the waitress/waiter type people in restaurants and pubs (but with no firm or quantifiable commitments).’ I might upgrade it to something a little more challenging in 2007.


Anonymous said...

To be fair mate, having been in the pub with you when you have been unnecessarily rude to the (hot) waitress and witnessed the table sauce slamming on the table, and i think that this will be a much harder challenge than you think!!

Nick said...

That's why this year I am only going to think about being nice.

K8 said...

look. Nick in a dress.

Nick said...

And very fetching I look too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Kate, think Nick appreciated the one i printed out, wrote a comment on and left on his desk for him this morning!! ;o)

Nick said...

It wasn't even my best photo!

Anonymous said...

To be fair, there are some pretty damn good pictures of you at NYE Nick. It seems your advancing years bring photogenicity! Try working as a waiter for NY resolution and you will find out how little waitresses care (£5 per hr). I've started doing it again with an agency. Always a way to pay people back for being mean or nice! Tis fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh and my "HOT" housemate Anna says hi to you, and Mark!

Nick said...

Hi Anna!

Anonymous said...

Hellooooooo Anna!! (Hubba Hubba!)