Work Christmas do. Somewhere in London. I forget where exactly.

A barn in the middle of a field. Nothing much going here, which was exactly the point of my taking this photo in the first place.
Sometimes I struggle a little to try to explain to people exactly what it is I do all day (besides playing on the internet). Trying to explain why I was taking a photo of absolutely nothing of any consequence or interest is possibly one of the harder things to account for I think.
My brother and dog, next to fire at parents house on Christmas Eve. Yes, very home Counties, blah, blah.
Inside one of the flats I liked in Maidenhead. This is the living/dining room. Not too sure about those light fittings though.
Me and Elenor, News Years Eve, or early hours of morning on New Years Day. A fairly academic distinction really I think.

Not posted: Photos from work Christmas do where everyone looks a little more plastered. The sneaky photo of me that Gem took when we were in Pizza Express that I didn’t find until a week later. Me taking a photo of Elenor taking a photo of me. More photos of that barn in the middle of a field.
Ahhh, nice. We look shitfaced! I've not ever seen a picture of your brother before. Hello Nick's brother.
Yeah, I guess we do look a bit shitfaced. Its still a good photo though I think, specially as I took it with my cameraphone thingy.
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