Thursday, April 13, 2006

Grand designs

So pretty much all the time I have been running this blog I have had some longer-term objectives. Namely find a new job, sort out new job, move jobs, find a new home, move home, change commuting arrangements, etc. However, now I have come to a point where things are starting to settle down into a fairly consistent rhythm and I have no longer term grand designs for the time being.

At the moment my most pressing objectives are how to best manage my work/life time balance, working out what sort of portable media player I want (and then invariably attempting to rationalise the most expensive one) and finding time to get me a new sofa. There is also settling into the new work routine and other work related stuff which I might say something about but don’t want to put anything on the internet that could land me in hot water.

None of these objectives are particularly lofty or wide ranging and all are pretty self explanatory. So this leaves me wondering what the next longer-term challenge is so that I have something to aspire to rather than just existing.

Thus far I have three things which I have been mulling over and thinking about:

1. Buy a house slash flat.
2. Upgrade and rework the blog.
3. Take up some form of life beneficial hobby such as learning how to draw technical plans.

Maybe I will do all of them, maybe none of them, I am still musing about them all. I might do a blog post about all of these individually in more depth at some point if I get anywhere with them.


Anonymous said...

Dont you think technical plan drawing might be a bit dull? Why not take up something a bit more creative...painting? pottery? learning a musical instrument? Dancing? (I used to go to salsa class on a Tuesday at the rugby club in Maidenhead, but reached a plateau at the improvers level) Making your own clothes? (that would be a good one, you could solve the problem of the dry cleaning and have something to do in one go!). Or you could get a pet! The possibilities are endless.

Nick said...

i was thinking technical plans then i could pimp myself out on the side for extra cash!