For background information this stretch of road was designed and built in the 1960s with a design speed of 33mph. The speed limit is an unenforced and frequently flouted (including by me) 40mph with a high accident rate.
The route is populated by numerous massive advert hoardings as you can see in my pictures below (sorry for the wonkiness of them, I was trying to drive at the same time).

I don’t think these pictures adequately illustrate the scale of these hoardings but by way of comparison, look again. Compare it to the size of the nearby 10 to 15 storey buildings. Yes 10-15 stories; they are of a similar height.
Now I am led to believe (but am not going to say it out-right because that may considered slanderous) that these hoardings are predominantly unauthorised. Even if they are not they are pretty awful. They can be removed either through direct action by the Council (LB Hounslow) or prosecution or, if authorised, through the issue of a discontinuance notice.
These beauties really do need some attention in my humble (yet chartered) opinion.
(There is more to this story but I can't put details of that on the internet because it really could be massively slanderous).
Mate have to say everybody who reads this blog must hold your driving in high esteem, what with the tales of speeding tickets, unpaid car tax and now taking photos whilst driving along a road which in your words has "a high accident rate"!!! ;o)
yeah, well i get to do all those things and still with no accidents!
Oh dear, wondered how long it would be before you missed enforcement!!! (only joking)
i still have me a small enforcement case load, quite pleased about that actually. allocating work means i get to skim off the good stuff for me (sssshhhh).
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