This is the first time I have been on a bus (except once when I was drunk and my better judgement failed me and once in Portugal when I didn’t have a choice) since I moved out of Sheffield and I don’t recall getting on a bus in the final year there (but probably did) and you know it wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be.
There was the guy who sat next to me who smelled of cigars and kebabs (so a bit like a Saturday night come Sunday morning) and this giant fat guy who really got in the way which wasn’t so great but other than that it was ok. The bus steaming past queuing traffic in the bus lane was kinda handy. Of course it overtook us back when the bus stopped.
It was also a really jazzy high-tech bendy bus and there is none of this pay the driver on entry nonsense. It just stops opens a bank of four doors (I think, but looks like three in the picture) and tilts to the left so it is even with the kerb and folks get on and off (although the lack of paying the driver apparently leads it to be known as a free bus which is a, well, rather massive design flaw).
It was kinda fun, mostly because it was a new experience really rather than being particularly pleasant. My employer has access to a small fleet of electric cars which I am signing up for so hopefully soon I will be able to use those instead of having to use public transport when out and about.
What happens to the electric car if you're out and about and run out of batteries?
Or pop into a shop and pick up some!!
Could you imagine Nick pedalling along on one if the batteries died?! I reckon hed just dump it and get a cab back to the office!!
Well i haven't tried one yet but apparently when it runs out of power it just dies and erm... that's it. you call the AA.
And I don't think there is any kind of dynamo thing to get you going again!
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