To put you in the picture, at the moment I have two suits and six shirts. Three shirts match one suit and three shirts match the other. So it is fairly impracticable to go for an entire week wearing just one suit or the other. Meaning I need to deposit one suit with the dry cleaners mid-week and collect at the weekend (or vice versa).
However, I leave for work at around 8am and am generally not home until around 6pm. So I cannot drop off or pick up suits from dry cleaners in Maidenhead as there are none which are open when I am there during the week. Equally I can’t take a suit with me on the way to work as carrying it on the train would be a nightmare in the morning due to the crowded train and logistics of getting it there and back without it getting damaged or majorly creased.
So far I have four possible solutions, none of which I like.
First one is to leave work extra early one day mid-week so I can be back to Maidenhead before 5pm and get a suit to the dry-cleaners and then pick it up on Saturday (or vice versa). I don’t like this though as it means I would have to leave work extra early mid-week when I like to stay later so I can build up my flexi-time and leave extra early on a Friday and have some residual time left over in case of a ‘I’m hungover so I am going in late this morning’ situation.
A variation on this is to do the going home extra early mid-week thing but take both suits at the same time and then go into work in casuals for the rest of the week (because I don’t actually possess any clothing that could be considered ‘smart casual’). I am allowed to do this but it is seriously frowned upon to be in casuals and see members of the public which is an almost daily occurrence and not being able to do so can seriously impinge on my work schedule (no site visits). This has a slight advantage though as it would be a less frequent occurrence than the above option as I could do both suits in one go and thus have to do it half as often.
The third is to take a day or two off work and take both suits to be dry cleaned at the same time. I really don’t like this idea as it means taking time off work to do dry cleaning which is a ridiculous reason to use up work leave.
Or I could just buy another suit (expensive and time consuming) and thus have the flexibility to drop one of the then three off and leave it at the dry cleaners weekend to weekend.
I haven’t decided which one is the best yet. Any other suggestions are welcomed.
Three suggestions mate:
1. Buy a suit like mine which is machine washable (jacket included) and then wear that whilst both the others are at the dry cleaners, then machine wash it.
2. Buy two more shirts to go with each suit then you have a full weeks worth of suit wearage rather than having to change halfway through.
3. Get machine washable trousers and not worry about wearing a suit jacket in the week (in the same way i never do!) and just wear a jumper or something. Then you can drop off your suits on a saturday and collect them the following saturday.
I agree with Mark's suggestions of new shirts and new trousers. You can look smart without a suit jacket. Shirts are only like £4 in Primark and you can get a good pair of trousers from loads of shops- have you seen the new men's range in Monsoon? You can get a nice man-bag while you're there!
Well based on those suggestions I guess I need to go shopping for some new clothes soon. And Rosie... Primark. Primark! I have a new manbag now too. I am very pleased with it, so much so that it might even get a blog post all about it!
There is also the trouble of finding trousers to fit my stickish proportions.
Primark is good (for some things). Most of Andy's shirts that he wears for work are from Primark, and they're only £4. You cant get better than that. H&M cater for stickish people, have you tried trousers in there?
Really? Never been to H&M. You sure it is for all stick people and not just stick girls?
What?!?! You;ve never been to H&M!?!? The ones in Uxbridge and Slough dont do mens stuff, but Reading and Oxford Street do. You should def go there, they normally have pretty good stuff for boys. I got Andy Hulk and X-men pants there.
Get a third suit and stop being piky. Alternativly follow your work mates and wear board shorts and flip flops
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