Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Say what?

I start my job as Principal Planner with my new employer in three weeks time. As I understood it I will be the deputy to the Team Leader working in one of two area based teams.

So with this in mind I was a little disarmed to read in my professional magazine of choice that my new employer is advertising for two new Team Leaders. So I guess the current Team Leaders are leaving. Where does that leave me?



K8 said...

Learn how to do your new job very quickly is my advice.

Nick said...

Yes, good advice, perhaps I could fit some blind panic in there too?

K8 said...

Good plan

Nick said...

Yes it is. I was hoping my eh-oh was going to convey a slightly greater sense of foreboding tho.

Anonymous said...

Reckon there'll be a 1,000 cases waiting on your desk