Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Present and future

Next Monday I begin my new job. To start with this is going to involve a fair chunk of commuting by car and then (hopefully) as of 13 March, should be a short(ish) train ride from Maidenhead to Ealing Broadway. In either instance this is going to be a big change from my amazingly short commute of around five minutes and available free time as a consequence of that. Also moving home is going to create some (again, hopefully) short term uncertainty about internet access (although I certainly will have access to the internet, the speed of it I am as of yet uncertain).

All this, I suspect, is going to affect blog posting although at the moment I am not sure how. I have every intention of keeping the blog going because I like doing it. So please, if stuff gets erratic over the next month or so, stick with me, I am hoping that it will be temporary. Fingers crossed, a new routine and blog post rhythm will sort itself out.

Back in the present, I am feeling increasingly weird about leaving my job at the end of this week. I have been doing it for a pretty long time and until fairly recently derived quite a bit of satisfaction from it. Also I have made friends there and whilst I doubt I am going to keep in touch with everyone I met there I am still going to miss the place a bit.

I am actually a little confused as how I am supposed to feel about leaving. Half of me wants to tell everyone how much I am going to miss them and how I will genuinely have fond memories of the place and perhaps everyone could come with me if that would be ok and maybe shed an uncharacteristic tear. The other half of me wants to shout ‘see you later losers’ whilst flicking v-signs before doing a donut in the car park and blazing off in an unnecessarily dramatic manner without a backward glance. I am not too sure how to reconcile these two things. Perhaps I could do both?

Meanwhile, it appears that Bng’s blog has been reawakened which is good to see. I have to say I was starting to feel a little blog-lonely recently what with not really being part of a blog ring or anything like that. I am still looking forward to those others who have said they are going to start blogs to get them up and running (you know who you are).


Nick said...

You have a blog already!

K8 said...

so do i. it is just a secret one with not much on it yet.

Nick said...

found it!... where's the link to Nick101?

K8 said...

as I said. It doesn't have much on it yet