Sunday, May 14, 2006

On location

So last week I finally got access to the pool cars at work so on Friday I took one out for a spin. Having now been signed up for the scheme I find out that there are actually a selection of electric and regular vehicles available, not just electric cars like I previously thought.

Of the vehicles available to me are a 2005 Renault Clio, a 2004 Renault Clio and a 2005 Toyota Yaris in addition to the electric cars. Rather than mess around in some glorified milk-float I booked myself in for a session on the 2004 Clio (because it was available) and headed out into the world, having some fun trying out a new car.

To tease you a bit here is a picture of its tyre. Not too sure how I managed to both take and store this picture on my cameraphone without realising:

And here is a picture of the car in full glory:

And here is a picture of me (looking a little sunburnt, its tough having a job where you get to go hang out in the sun in shorts and a t-shirt) with the car:

For information the last two pictures were taken here:

This is a small flat development on the edge of the Haymills Estate, a 1920s and 30s housing area of a mixture of Arts and Crafts and Art Deco housing and flats just off the North Circular. It’s a pretty cool place as opposed to much of the rest of the areas I work in which can be anything from a bit scruffy to steaming turd holes. It is the second nicest place I get to go whilst at work.

This is the nicest:

This is Haven Green, just off The Broadway (and the car was stopped at traffic lights when I took this, says he to the ever growing 'don't drive and take pictures' lobby).

It’s a large, beautifully maintained green with mature trees and attractive buildings surrounding it. I get to walk across it every morning and always think something along the lines of ditching work for half an hour and going and getting a coffee and reading my book on the green, but never do. Its great, there’s loads of stuff going on around it but the central sections are sufficiently secluded to be peaceful but also open enough to be able to keep an eye on what is going on with the rest of the world. I sometimes come here at lunch.

Anyhow, the 2004 Clio performed pretty well. It was great catching the train to work, driving around using a new (to me) car I don’t have to pay for, then going down to the pub after work and having a few drinks before catching the train home. I think I will have to try out the other Clio and the Yaris at some point. I might even go so far as to have a go in one of those electric thingies.

1 comment:

Nick said...

you can't get a season ticket from the internet. you have to go to the train station. you'll need a passport style photo of you too.