Sunday, August 20, 2006

The curse of the blog

Over the past year nearly(!) that I have been doing this blog I have come across one particular thing that I call the blog curse. This is where I make a speculative post or a post about something I like and subsequently it all goes wrong.

Now let me show you what I am talking about.

I made this post about having got a new flat that I liked. I subsequently lost it and then ended up in this situation.

I made this post (which is by a wide margin the one most mentioned when I meet people) about oriental girls sitting next to me on the train and then oriental girls stopped getting on the train. Like literally, there are no oriental girls on the train any more.

I posted this about how my stats were improving and they subsequently fell through the floor.

I made this post about how traffic was getting on my nerves and then had to suffer commuting traffic which was even worse and have since been cursed on any car journey in excess of five miles by queues.

So now I am totally self conscious about posting stuff. I have a raft of draft posts about things that I want to go well, or about things I like but I am totally scared to publish them because of the blog curse. And that is like so dumb because I am generally about as superstitious as a vacuum cleaner.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the oriental girls were students and they're not getting on the train anymore because its the summer holidays?

Nick said...

nick likes rosies theory and looks forward to freshers week.