This guy pulled out in front of me and then proceeded to drive really slowly down
Shoppenhangers Road earlier today. Thus being both rude for pulling out in front of me and then having the nerve to hold me (and others) up.

So I thought, I know, I will take a photo of this chump and put it on the internet so everyone from around the world (
except maybe China) can know that this guy is an inconsiderate idiot who doesn't know how to drive.
Haha, take that P312 HBG man.
no my annonimity and autonomy i am well aware of. for example you will find no reference of who my employer is or a bio of me on the blog.
but for stuff like this, if mr P312 HBG did find this post (which would suprise me given that nick101 is un-google-able) he is welcome to try on what he wants.
the internet is big and it is easy to hide amoungst the numbers. my main and most serious concern is that someone will learn about the blog from a non-internet based source and then subsequently use the content against me as opposed to finding the content first and then coming to get me. it's a subtle but important difference.
dude you really have to stop taking photos whilst driving!! Its not good!! Just good job you have an old granny car really so you cant go fast enough to do any damage!!
granny car! at least its not a chav-mobile! or a red micra...
Nothing wrong with the Chavmobile....
thats what all the chavs say!
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