At the moment I am presently recovering from several 'bouts' in the toilet over the course of this evening that have left me feeling ill and distinctly awake, waiting for the next random event, if you know what I mean, to present itself. However, being in the position where I can't really move to much for fear of inducing further trouble I am left with two options. 1. Go to bed but now not at all spleepy and 2. play on the internet. I blame this on the chicken jerk I had from a stall whilst there.
Anyway, my present unhappy circumstances aside, here are some photos from the Carnival with commentry as appropriate.
Elenor and Claire before it got too busy.

Ah its a shame about your tummy trouble, we had jerk chicken the day before and managed to avoid being contaminated, although my ear drums have burst. The carnival was amazing though, and good pictures. Oh and I haven't forgotten about the idea trip to brighton Claire!!!!!!!!!
Glad you made it over. My fourth year at Carnival always good. Curried Goat for you next year.
curried goat!... next year i am having wild cockatoo cooked in drum'n'bass.
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