Thursday, June 15, 2006

Idiot builders

My flat development is presently getting an upgrade care of the management company. General repairs and repainting of external walls and windows etc. Anyhow the idiot builders doing the upgrade left signs like this on most of the front entrances recently:

Now, I have seen a lot of dumb signs but this has to be the most dumb sign of all time.

'Can all residents leave there doors and windows open on Monday.'

Yeah sure, I'll leave all my windows and doors open for a bunch of builders while I am at work. Having a giant advert to all and sundry that my doors and windows are going to be open all day really makes me want to join in even more.

It gets dumber (setting aside the 'there' and 'their' troubles they were clearly having). The photo above isn't of my entrance door because it fell off. Why? Because they stuck it on freshly painted and rather unadhesive door stain. I mean honestly.

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