However, renewable energy sources do not, as of yet, appear to be bearing quite as much fruit as could be hoped for (arguably due to a lack of investment and possibly commitment). Additionally given recent concerns about the supplies of traditional hydrocarbon fuels (environmental merits notwithstanding) relating to the practical availability of the stuff and that many of such resources are now caught up in politically unstable locations (by which I mean a bunch of gun totting lunatics, yes that includes the Americans) around the globe I can see why going for the previously tried and tested, and I would hope in this day and age, somewhat more refined, nuclear generation option may be considered preferable.
I doubt picking the nuclear option is going to be anyone’s first choice, especially given that even nuclear fuel sources are not exclusively sourced from nice friendly and stable countries with fluffy western ideals. However, in the grand scheme of things I think I have to list my preferences in terms of how to get electricity as follows:
1. Nice environmentally friendly renewable sources
2. Some possibly slightly messier nuclear option
3. Burning hydrocarbons
4. Using soylent green (although I am unsure of its electricity generating properties)
And then a long way down the list, right at the very bottom in fact…
5. Not having electricity at all.
1 comment:
Lets dig up Yorkshire and South Wales and burn all the coal using magic polution killing equipment
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