Wednesday, December 21, 2005

That was Tuesday

One of the things I have deliberately steered away from in doing this blog thing is to recount in, what would no doubt end up being horrendously boring detail, the things I did today (or any day). For one, I doubt anyone would be interested in that kind of crap (but hopefully I can get away with it this one time) and two, I sure as hell would stop writing it because it would be really boring for me too.

However, I am possibly for the only time, going recount roughly what happened yesterday and document my fairly dull routine because it was a pleasant enough day (albeit uneventful) and fairly soon my routine is going to have to change and it would be nice to have a least some record of what I do, roughly, Monday to Friday.

Alarm goes off at 7:00, although I was awake at 6:30 but still don’t emerge from bed till about 7:20. Kicked off with a morning cup of tea, milk, one sugar. I really should quit the sugar thing but I like the sweetness in the morning (and I frequently and very hypocritically disapprove when I see other people putting sugar in, and wrecking, yummy tea at all other times of the day).

I usually kick off at this point by editing and publishing a blog post but don’t because I don’t feel like it and am not up to much at work so it can wait until then. A bit of BBC breakfast (Dermot and Natasha) and a bit of friends (one from just before Ross got married to Emily) before self cleaning rituals, get dressed, breakfast (banana, few grapes, juice, vitamin supplements), bit more BBC breakfast, remembering to smirk at the loosers trying to commute into London on local news (don’t get to do that much longer).

Leaving flat, try to sneak past crazy neighbours who I try really hard to pretend not to see but have to wave and say ‘hi’ after getting my name shouted at me and a series of whistles and whoops. This is followed by a very rapid de-icing of the car as I try to get away before the aforementioned neighbours attempt to engage me in conversation. Success. Spend more time trying to pull out of driveway (right turn, busy road) than it takes to actually get to work.

At work, exchange a couple of emails including one with Graham (my ex-boss) who is curious about me (possibly slash hopefully) moving to Maidenhead (also lives in Maidenhead). Not too sure if he is worried about me living on his doorstep or pleased to have a new neighbour he will know in the town? Email from Mark querying why I hadn’t done a blog post. Abuse is sent back along the lines of ‘you didn’t manage even one while you were covering the blog when I was on holiday.’ Blog post done next.

Get coffee, do some work. Issues today with some random shipping containers, approximately 1000 square metres of unauthorised storage and a certain reality TV building. Get bored of that. Read Questionable Content and browse (very relieved it is up and running again after crashing on Sunday and being out all Monday too). Bit more work. Meeting mid-morning between me and our very nice landscape girl, Louisa, and this guy about some badly needed landscaping around a two house development that didn’t quite go according to plan (but I won’t go into that now) so there’s evergreen trees and hedges going like everywhere possible.

It was Christmas lunch day in the office where everyone brings in food and drink etc. and folks hang around and chat for an extended lunch which was pleasant. Thankfully very little in the way of awkward management types hanging around (and everyone politely trying to avoid them while they pretend they’re not being avoided and that they want to be there). Saw Megan and children for possibly last time before they head off back to New Zealand after Christmas. Megan gets a hug. Will miss Megan, and yes ok probably the children too, a bit.

Afternoon is kinda dull. Read ScaryGoRound (could the witch that Amy burnt to death in the oven be her mother?). Construct threatening letters to two people with unreasonably bright lights (signage and floodlighting). Bored of that. Talk to Laura about Christmas shopping, Mark about the new Prince of Persia game. Send links to cute overload and some funny smoking thing to Gem and a list of new proxy servers to Andy and Mark to try and bypass work’s restricted website access thingy (none of which work as it turns out).

Get bored. Go home. Take Mark with me as car his car is in the shop and play computer games (Halo 2 and Need for Speed) until he goes to football (assume he got home ok without car).

Dinner is chicken stir fry with red peppers, mushrooms, onion and rice with Teriyaki sauce (should really be beef or seafood with noodles with Teriyaki but I have neither of either). Watch Demolition on Channel 4 – about Cumbernauld shopping centre, god that is a planning and architectural disaster and the representative from the Lanarkshire (?) (whatever) Council is a disgrace.

Get an email from Mike, turns out Kiera Knightly was in Star Wars Episode 1. Hmm, lost that bet then. Thought he had forgotten about it too.

Write (most of) this blog post. Realise while trying to work out how to spell Teriyaki that I have forgotten to put remaining Teriyaki sauce not used at dinner in fridge. Put Teriyaki sauce in fridge. Think about ironing shirt for work next day. Don’t bother to iron shirt.

Watch part of a re-run of Sex in the City, get bored. Start reading new book, High Society by Ben Elton courtesy of Kate, as finished How to be Good by Nick Hornby last night (good book, mildly reflective, can relate to lead character).

Tired. Go to bed at approximately 11:45.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mate cant help but notice on inaccuracy there. Wasnt "play computer games with Mark", was "got beaten at computer games by Mark"!!
Also I like the thought of your neighbours "whooping" you as you leave for work, can just imagine them all lined up, cheering and shouting "Go Nick, Go Nick" in a rubbish Jerry Springer style!!