Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Too much time on the internet

Arguably I spend far too much time on the internet. However, one pastime that I can say with confidence that I have never engaged in is that art of egosurfing. Not that I would find very much about me as what is probably the principle source of information about me, namely this blog, is not picked up by internet search engines.

Of course, this clearly was not an alien phenomenon to
this poor guy who screwed himself over at a border checkpoint when an unnecessarily web savvy border guard found the guys blog on search engine and put him in hot water on account of it.

However, this is not to say that this blog is not unfindable. I recently welcomed my first visitor from Australia who found me, no doubt accidentally, and with probably a massive lack of interest, care of those folks at

The big question is whether you spend too much time on the internet. I think this is a good test…
Read this. If you understand it, I think you spend too much time on the internet. If you think its funny, like I did, perhaps its time to go into internet dependency counselling.

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