Thursday, November 10, 2005

All change (and excuses to get stuff)

So I rationalise if I am going to be changing job and flat and doing this commuting thing there is a bunch of stuff that I really do need to get, in order, most important first.

A new flat: I loose my current one when I move jobs and being homeless is just below ‘clean teeth with angle grinder’ on my list of things I don’t really want to ever have to try.

A new suit and some more shirts: I have three suits, but don’t wear one cos I don’t like it, so two really. Introduce the practicalities of not being able to take one of these to the dry cleaners whilst at work (try taking your dry cleaning on the tube!) and not otherwise being around when a dry cleaners is open I am going to need another suit if only for the day to day practicalities of having something varied to wear to work. Also I just want a new suit and this is actually a rather good excuse.

An Oyster Card: For doing the whole ‘commuting is cool in the 21st century’ by waving it at entrance barriers and making them flash lights and go bleep and stuff and getting you places too is handy.

A new pair of glasses: My current pair have been held together with bent staples and sticky tape for over a year now and I haven’t sorted the situation cos really I couldn’t give a crap. I think a new job though calls for a degree of professionalism in terms of eye-wear.

An I-pod or other such portable music device: To keep me entertained slash happy on commuting trips and other journeys not involving driving (with associated in-car entertainment) which looks like an increasingly prospect.

A man bag: Which I have wanted for ages but haven’t really needed cos the car or pockets have sufficed to keep stuff in up until now. But being more remote from home, mobile without car and an increased payload (ie. aforementioned I-pod etc, book, paper, lunch, water, extra layer of clothing…) means I am going to need to port this stuff about and a carrier bag (even a posh one from Harrods or Bentalls) just doesn’t cut it. Also folks have said I would look like a ponce if I had a man bag and in fairness I probably would. But looking like a ponce with supporting justification sits with me a little more comfortably.

A PSP: Similar justification as with the I-pod toy. It’s at the bottom of the list though because it is an indulgence rather than a necessity.


Nick said...

Hadn't thought about dry cleaners at supermarkets. Well spotted!

Anonymous said...

I love my ipod nano. The size is not a problem I just keep changing the music on it rather than cluttering it up with stuff I haven't listened to in ages.