I am surprised I have gotten this far with this whole blogging thing. Firstly because I seem to have maintained my interest in it for the time being and second because people are reading it and moreover coming back to read more. The latter is particularly surprising given some of the tripe that I think I come out with.
The success thus far has in part been a consequence of the feedback I have got from people which has been really positive (although I guess it is unlikely that anyone is going to tell me this is garbage if it is) and has helped keep my own interest focused. So hey people, leave comments, I love getting comments. (I need the validation).
Another theme is that quite a few people have said stuff like ‘how do you come up with stuff to post’ etc. and they always seem surprised when I insist it really isn’t that hard. Just type stuff and it comes out. Really try it, you might like it or even be good at it. Being better than me at it couldn’t be that hard surely?
So here’s to me and my blog (swigs mug of tea in a self congratulatory manner) and here’s hoping to another fifty posts perhaps...
The irony of deleting that comment is not beyond me.
See this is just sounding more and more like an Alanis Morrisette song...
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