Monday, September 04, 2006

This is by a wide margin the worst movie that I have ever seen

So the other night, for reasons I won't go into, I ended up watching Little Man at the cinema.

Now in case you didn't guess by the title of this post, this is the worst movie I have ever seen, ever. And I have seen some bad films in my time. The characters were weak and two dimensional, the plot was none existent, the acting was abysmal, the production values were lower than some home made stuff you can find on YouTube and the supposedly amusing premise of the film was about as funny as having your teeth cleaned by an angle grinder wielded by a blind, sweaty, street cleaner after the night shift on vomit inspection duty.

So it was with some pleasure that I find that IMDB actaully ranks it as the 23rd worst movie ever, the lowest one I have seen on their list.

Anyway, don't ask me how the movie ends because we left before it finished.


Anonymous said...

I've heard of that film, but only in the context that its supposedly the worst one of recent years! What ever possesed you to see it?!?

Anonymous said...

Worse than leo witch and wardrobe?

Nick said...

it made the lion witch and wardrobe look like fine art.

and we didn't know what we were going to see when we bought the tickets!