Anyway I went over for a closer look and this hole was way deep. Seriously I couldn’t see the bottom. The thing is too that there were no paint markings round the hole or any warnings about it like you would expect with road works etc. especially when it is something quite so deep. It appeared randomly one day without any build up having previously been an unremarkable chunk of hardstanding.
Recently a metal plate and four funny little cones have appeared on and around it as if the Council has noticed it and decided it might be a nice idea eventually to do something about it.

Thing is, how did this hole get there? It wasn’t previously a patched up bit of road, just a normal bit of hardstanding which was actually in a decent condition. But now it has this funny narrow but super deep hole in it. So I am thinking how could it have got there and the only conclusion I could draw that it might have been a meteorite hit. Seriously how else could you account for a narrow but super deep rogue hole?
Maybe there had been a manhole or something there previously and when they last re-resurfaced the road they didnt seal it off properly. Thne, in the recent heat, the surface melted a bit and collapsed through to the not-well-sealed manole?
no, there was definately nothing there before. just regular tarmac. i wish i got a photo before they put the metal plate on and have now patched the road up.
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