Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Right, it looks like after a little two week hiatus that the blog is back up and running again. So, why the break I have been asked.

Well, when I started this blog I made a commitment to myself to produce five posts a week. The reasons for this were two-fold. Firstly it was so that every weekday morning you visit the site and there would be new content. Secondly it was so I had a schedule to stick to so I would actually make consistent posts. This commitment I made to myself has resulted in posts of varying quality because of my self imposed rules. Rules that, for the most part, I have stuck to except when on holiday or disconnected.

A consequence of this was that every morning or evening I had stick something up. Now I like doing the blog but my self imposed rules were becoming difficult for me to manage. Up until around about March I operated the blog with a ‘buffer’ of around about five generic posts that I constructed in my spare moments. This was generally fairly non-time constrained stuff unrelated to me and gave you such highlights as LED throwies and the thing about how crazy those Japanese people are.

However, with new job, new flat, new lifestyle and generally being busier and having more on my plate these buffer posts started to dissolve and I used them up and ended up blogging on the fly. Occasionally this meant I was coming home from work on the train and thinking ‘omg I have to do a blog post now too in addition to… etc.’ which was really turning it a bit sour for me and hence the break.

But, that’s not to say that I don’t still like doing the blog. I am just amending the terms on which I do it.

I started thinking about how I can change stuff to suit me and experimented a bit with Nick102 but decided not to pursue that because, well, I didn’t like it really, it didn’t feel right. So after that bit of messing around I thought I would kill the blog all together but I can’t do that either. I couldn’t get through a day without thinking ‘hey that would be good in a blog post’ before realising that I wasn’t doing it any more.

Anyway the up-shot of all this is that I am re-opening the blog. Its up and running again but here’s the clinch. I am no longer making any commitment to five days a week posting. I don’t have the time to be consistent like that anymore. So some times you will get lots of posts, sometimes none, you’ll have to live with that, its all dependent on mood and time now.


Anonymous said...

Hiya Nick, that sounds more than reasonable. Five is a lot to write and I must admit, I read depending on my mood, so why not write depending on your mood. Enjoy the stag night btw, will look out for a post displaying all the juicy details...ha ha.

Nick said...

Thanks. And you have a good time on the hen night!