Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Having no internet access or phone line for the time being at (new) home (and a consequent inability to make blog posts as I would like), living in a new and relatively unfamiliar town, work email being about as reliable as a circa 1980 communist Russian Trabant, work internet blocking access to my personal email account and my mobile phone being misplaced slash stolen I am feeling a little lost and disassociated at the moment.

Over the past few weeks my entire life has been turned on its head like it has only three times before. Namely, moving out of London and changing schools in 1996, moving to Sheffield and starting University in 1998 and moving to Amersham and starting work with my former employer in 2002.

Moving out of London and starting at my old job I did with and slash or in the presence of my family which at least afforded a degree of consistency. However starting University and moving to Maidenhead I have done slash did almost completely by myself (although of course everyone who helped me physically move flats last weekend is way appreciated).

I remember the feeling of being slightly lost and overwhelmed by everything in the first week at University but this was at least shared by everyone else I was with at the time pretty much being in the same boat and quickly slid away, lubricated with large amounts of alcohol.

This time it is different insofar as it just me to whom everything is new to now. It all feels totally new and slightly alien, and indeed is, ranging from ‘where is the bloody exit to the train station?’ and ‘is it you I talk to about getting additional consultations on this planning application?’ to ‘aha, this new oven will cook slash burn my dinner much faster than my old one’ and ‘how the hell do I get this bastard night storage heating system to work?’ Almost every single action is experimental or prompts a question.

This all makes life more interesting and the challenge is certainly welcome after my seemingly pedestrian former existence which ceased (still less than) a month ago now. However it would be nice to have something I could fall back upon as being reliant and consistent so it is not all change however it appears that, given events, (like I said at the start of this post) I am not going to be afforded this luxury, at least for the time being.

1 comment:

Nick said...
