One thing I have little trouble in coming up with is ideas on stuff to post about. I have loads of things buzzing round my head that I could quite happily put into some form of reasonably well structured sentence to make some vague point about.
Coming up with things to say was one of my initial concerns when I started doing this blog but as it transpires it is by far and away not the biggest obstacle. The most difficult thing I find is being in the right mood and frame of mind to be able to write about what I would like (and also fitting in everything else I have to do around that).
At the moment I am feeling particularly irritable and uncommunicative and don’t feel like writing about any of the things I have on the ‘to blog’ list. However, nor do I feel like complaining about all of the little, little things that have ticked me of this week (and there have been a fair few) as (1) I think folks would probably be somewhat disinterested in all the stuff that has irked me and (2) in committing them to text it becomes apparent how small and petty they actually are.
Conversely, actually just writing this (or any other post) in the first place is often helpful as it focuses my mind on the task and generally improves my mood to the extent where (in this case) I am actually a little more content than I was when writing the first paragraph.
Anyhow, it is Friday and hopefully I will be heading down to join Elia for her birthday do in London this evening. I say hopefully, I am acutely aware that the London Underground train drivers, specifically those on the requisite Northern Line, (who earn about 32K for driving a frickin train) are striking again such that I may not be able to get there without considerable difficulty and multiple changes. Just another one of those little, little things that really ticks me off.
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