Friday, September 16, 2005


I am broadbanded. Now I can beam the rest of the known universe into my little flat.

This should make posting much easier than my previous method which basically comprised writing stuff at home and burning them onto cd before uploading them from work. Possibly a slightly wasteful use of blank cds but the blog has only been running for a week and a bit.


Anonymous said...

Hurrah! For broadband. You will be a music pirate (Arrghhh!) next, supplementing your income down the car boot on a Sunday with a few dodgy copies of Shrek. Next thing you know you will be onto the hard stuff, distributing ILoveYou worms across the Eastern Seaboard - watch out, it is a slippery slope ;-)

Nick said...

Yes, your not wrong... the whole new computer and broadband is turning into a bit of a cash black hole.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick, found your blog! It's really good, and it's nice to see someone else reads cat and girl.

Nick said...

so much for my big secret and grand unveiling...! disclosure tomorrow.